
Our Support Group

The Central Virginia Post Polio Support Group was organized in 1986. Our group meets regularly to offer support, provide meaningful education, and encourage advocacy for those survivors of polio who are now experiencing Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) and the medical community. Our members strive to help others in seeking an appropriate diagnosis, finding effective treatments, and assisting with necessary lifestyle changes despite the increase of limitations caused by PPS. Spouses, family and friends of those with PPS are equal members and partners in our group. In addition to sharing of knowledge, we often enjoy social events among our many activities. Our group attempts to be a supportive and caring community to anyone affected by the pain, weakness, fatigue and grief of PPS.

PPS Clinic

If you are experiencing any post-polio symptoms such as unaccustomed fatigue – either rapid muscle tiring or a feeling of total body exhaustion; new weakness in muscles, both those originally affected and those seemingly unaffected; pain in muscles and/or joints; sleep problems; breathing or swallowing problems or decreased ability to tolerate cold temperatures and your primary care physician cannot find any other cause, you may want to be evaluated by a Post-Polio Specialist. Feel free to contact an officer of this group if you have questions about finding a specialist.